Friday, May 12, 2017

Activist Look Beyond the March for Science

On April 28, 2017 my colleague wrote a commentary located on New York Times published Scientists and Activist Look Beyond the March for Science.” From my understanding, my classmate was comparing what the government had to say about scientist and why scientists are so important. He argued “Our modern world is run by science that without, we wouldn’t be where we are today in health, environment, and other natural hazards” and I must say I must agree.

After reading the article, it seemed my colleague stated a very important facts on why this march for science was a good thing, but left out why it was bad. Steven Pinker is someone’s opinion I value a lot. He quoted in the article “They make the March seem like an extension of the identity politics and victimology that have discredited academia in the eyes of much of the rest of the world.” This, I would have to agree with. Scientists, who this march was supposed to be about felt like the organization wasn’t beneficial at all and was making the status quo in science reproduce.

I agree with my colleague that scientists are so incredibly important four our society and no doubt our world would not be the same without them. However, incorporating them into a march for science offended most who are actual scientists and those who are wanting to become. My colleague had very good facts and arguments but I felt he lacked cooperating the cons that came with it. 

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