Friday, March 10, 2017

Turning Protests Into Action With Technology

            I chose to write about a political commentary on The Huffington Post titledTurning Protests Into Action With Technology.” The authors Gavis Newsom and Sam Blakeslee talk about how the internet and technology is the most powerful tool there is when it comes to politics and the government. However, fabricators of fake news and false information have made this tool untrustworthy which is why that made their own invention- Digital Democracy.


              Digital Democracy is a video platform designed so any citizen or advocacy groups can conveniently engage in the democratic process. This gives people the advantage to search anything they want to know more about and know for certain that what they are reading is actually true! I know that when I am interested in learning more about something that is going on with our government, I turn straight to the internet. Yet, I know a lot of things I read are not true or is misinterpreted and I can never be sure. Digital Democracy allows you to search a key word you are wanting to learn more about and then shows you real information and even videos about that specific topic. In addition, it is a great source for young people or those who are not big into politics or government. You do not need to know the names of every legislator or elected representatives, you can just simply type in “election” or “sentence reform” and it will bring up all the videos that talk about it. If everyone wants people to be more educated when voting comes around, Digital Democracy will help with just that!


            Digital Democracy is an excellent and useful tool for people who are seeking reliable information and it is even great for the uneducated. I believe Digital Democracy will continue to expand greatly around the United States since it is already easing itself into Texas! It is something we have all been needing.


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